Invited speakers
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Acad. Solomon Marcus , Honorary member of "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest. Born on March 1, 1925, in Bacau, Romania. Elementary school and high school in Bacau, Faculty of Science, Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania, 1945-1949. Assistant professor 1950, Lecturer 1955, Associate Professor 1964, Professor 1966, Professor Emeritus 1991 at Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania. PhD in Mathematics 1956 (Monotonous functions of two variables), State Doctor in Sciences 1968, University of Bucharest, Romania. Research and teaching in the fields of mathematical analysis, theoretical computer science, measure theory, general topology, linguistics, history of mathematics, mathematical poetics, semiotics, applications of mathematics to natural and social sciences. Very active in issues related to education. A large number of papers and books, many of the latter translated in various languages. Member of Romanian Academy since April 1993, many honours in Romania and abroad. |
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Alexandru Baltag,
Associate Researcher, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
He is known mostly for his work in logics for multi-agent information flow (– he was one of the originators of dynamic epistemic logic) and their applications to communication, game theory, epistemology etc. He also worked on non-wellfounded set theory, coalgebraic logic, logics for quantum computation, game semantics, learning theory. His MS in Mathematics was obtained in 1989 at the University of Bucharest. He received his PhD in Mathematics in 1998 at Indiana University under the supervision of Jon Barwise. Between 1998 and 2001, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Dutch Center for Mathematics and Computer Science. Between 2001 and 2011 he was a University Lecturer at Oxford University, in the Department of Computer Science. |
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Acad. Gheorghe Paun, Senior researcher of "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest. Born on December 6, 1950, in Cicanesti-Arges, Romania. Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Bucharest, 1974 (specialization in computer science). Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Bucharest, 1977. Researcher in various institutes in Romania, many scholarships and visits abroad after 1989, including long stays in Germany, Finland, Spain etc. Research interests: automata and language theory, computational linguistics, operation research, DNA computing and membrane computing (this latter area was initiated by him, in 1998, see Member of the Romanian Academy (1997), member of Academia Europaea (2006), many honours in Romania and abroad, member of numerous editorial committees. Nominated by ISI as a "highly cited researcher". |
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Dr. Sonja Smets, Associate Researcher, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, Netherlands. She obtained her PhD at the Free University of Brussels in 2001. She started as a post-doctoral researcher at the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research and became a part-time lecturer at the Free University of Brussels till 2009. In 2005-2006 she was a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics, and in 2008 at both the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam, and the School of Informatics at Indiana University. In 2009 she worked as an assistant professor with a Rosalind Franklin Research Fellowship at both the Faculty of Philosophy (Dept. Theoretical Philosophy) and the Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences (Multi-agent Systems Group in Artificial Intelligence) at the University of Groningen. In 2009, she received a VIDI award and in 2011 she received and ERC starters grant. Her research programme ranges over Logic (in particular non-classical logics, including non-monotonic logics, belief revision, modal and temporal logic, quantum logic); Multi-agent Systems; Formal Epistemology; Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Quantum Physics, Quantum Information and Computation. |
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Dr. Habil Razvan Diaconescu, Mathematical Sciences, University of Oxford (England), 1994. Habilitation in Informatics, Simion Stoilow Institiute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy 2014. DPhil in Mathematics and Computation, University of Oxford 1994. M. Sc. Mathematics and Computation, Universitatea Bucuresti (Romania), 1988. B.Sc. Mathematics and Computation, Universitatea Bucuresti (Romania), 1987. Research Interests: formal specification and verification, logic for informatics, model theory. |
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Dr. Vadim Ermolayev, is an associate professor at the Department of Information Technologies (IT) of Zaporizhzhya National University and the lead of the Intelligent Systems Research Group. He received his PhD from Zaporizhzhya University in 1994. Apart of his academic work, he also a consultant for industries and public sector in Knowledge Engineering and Management, Semantic Technologies, Intelligent Software Systems, Distributed Artificial Intelligence. A particular research topic that Prof. Ermolayev focuses on throughout his research career is capturing the dynamics and adaptability of real world in intelligent software artifacts. His PhD research was in the field of Dynamics and Adaptability in Information Systems. The research projects he further took part in were focused on: intelligent systems and knowledge representation for enterprises; business and informal process dynamics; intelligent distributed information retrieval; the confluence of agent-based systems and Semantic Web services; ontology engineering and management with a focus on evolution and refinement; performance management in engineering design. Prof. Ermolayev is the professional member of ACM. |
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Dr. Gabriel Ciobanu, affiliated with Institute of Computer Science, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch and "A. I. Cuza" University of Iasi. He is also a visiting full professor at Newcastle University (School of Computing Science). His research interests include Distributed Systems and Concurrency, Natural Computation (membrane computing), and Theory of Programming (Semantics, Formal Methods, Algebraic Models). Gabriel Ciobanu is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Scientific Annals of Computer Science, evaluated recently by SCImago as one of the best Eastern European journals in Computer Science. |